The Fierce Deity Awakens

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Glossary for this chapter:
Y/ N: Your Name.
N / A: Not Available.
P.O.V: Point of View.

___ N / A P.O.V ___

They were at the ceremonial altar in front of the castle, the day was beautiful, everyone in the citadel celebrated and attended the festival.

But not Zelda, even when she made the promise with  y/n to go with   him /her /them    to have fun, her father forbade it saying that she should not waste time on trivial manners, Daruk meanwhile recalled during a conversation with the champions that in the past, official ceremonies were held to honor the hero of the sword.

According to what the legends said, the power of the princess was presented when giving her blessing as a sign from Hylia for things to turn out well.

Rhoam unfortunately heard that comment and ordered the princess to wear her dress again to perform the ceremony, now they were there, Link was in the center of the ceremonial altar, on one knee with his eyes closed.

Zelda was standing in front of him and reaching a hand to the knight, all the champions were watching from one of the corners of the circular structure.

-Hero of Hyrule, chosen one the sword that seals the darkness ... You have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity... And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the Goddess Hylia - the birds singing around the plain were the only thing that interrupted the serene silence that the ritual required.

No one but her spoke, it was a sacred moment or at least that's what they tried to appear.

-Whether skyward bound, adrift in time or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight...The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protection... And we hope that—...- Zelda was lost in her thoughts, in her expectations that her power would awaken at that moment, but nothing happened, she was just still there in a ceremony that didn't make sense.

-... -That the two of you will grow stronger together, as one. - she lowered her hand and let out a sigh, Zelda saw Link who was still still in that position, the princess knew that speech backwards as well as backwards, but reciting it right at that moment, was so hard.

It was because she had no faith in the knight, or even herself.

Daruk looked at the scene a little ashamed while scratching his white beard -Gee, this is uplifting... She's making it sound like we already lost -

-Wasn't this your idea?- Revali interrupted -You're the one who wanted to designate the appointed knight with all the ceremonial pomp, grandeur, and nonsense we could muster!- he asked sarcastically, Mipha who was next to the General looked at him with some reprimand before looking back at Link.

The rito instead carried a wing to his waist -And if you ask me, the whole thing does seem to be overkill- he said as he appreciated how Zelda recited the words of the ritual over and over again -I think I'm on the same page as the princess regarding... this boy-

Urbosa, tired of the General's arrogance, finally decided to speak -Oh, give it a rest. That boy is a living reminder of her own failures. Well, at least that's how the princess sees him.-

Zelda could hear them, she looked at her hand waiting for a little power to emerge but nothing, then looked at the floor with a pained expression on her face, then to Link, it was true ...

He turned out to be perfect since he joined the military, but her? ... She had been trying for years to fulfill the expectations of the kingdom, especially her father, at that moment, a feeling of falling into a huge void invaded her chest.

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