The Escape

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Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not available.
P.O.V: Point of View.
Y/ N: Your Name.

___ P.O.V Y/ N: 6 days ago ___

After the Zora and Hylian soldiers searched the area, we went very quietly to the ranch near the domain, Sebit and Merv had to take off their uniforms, and put on their costumes so we could go eat something before taking out our horses. An old lady approached the table where we were sitting -Do you want something, young ones? -

-I would like rice with seafood please- Merv said immediately- I would like salmon with sauce- Sebit asked, my bones were still crushed even though I already had been healed maybe it was because of the fatigue -I-I would like honey sweets and rice with vegetables- I asked. If my body had something strong after such a terrible battle it would collapse.

I rested my head on the surface of the table -Still hurts, eh? - Merv asked, extremely amused, she reached into her pouch and placed a bottle with a bright red liquid in front of me -Here, it's an elixir, it will help speed up the healing- she commented. Sebit was writing on a couple of paper sheets. It was probably the report for Sooga that he finished even before the food arrived; After eating and chatting a little we went for the horses, the Yiga emitted a high-pitched whistle that made me cover my ears for a moment.

After a couple of minutes a black crow arrived; Sebit rolled up the papers to tie them to one of its legs, the beautiful bird with black feathers quickly took flight towards the sky to deliver the message as quickly as possible. It didn't take long for the answer, we were camping between the Lanayru swamps and Eldin canyon when the crow returned the next day. After reading the letter, Merv looked at me with some pity, Sooga practically said that it was a disappointment to see that I didn't toughen up against the situation, that it was sad that my supervisors had to save me.

My "Punishment" was to go to Eldin, despite the scolding I felt with enough courage to go, not even in my era I met the Goron region. As soon as we arrived we heard the voice of someone asking for help near the ranch, I stopped Ordon and immediately started looking around -y/n, come on, they may be burglars trying to deceive us- Merv warned a little nervous, it was starting to get hot and a lot of people didn't like that kind of weather including myself.

-Just help me to make sure, it will be the last thing I do before doing what Mr. Sooga asked us, please- I asked, so many years serving and supervising civilians gave me a protective instinct, Sebit rolled his eyes -Okay, Let's go- we got off our horses and walked to the source of the screams, in a rocky part there were several dogs wagging their tails, barking towards a kind of giant stone that didn't stop shaking.

-It's ... A goron with a fear of dogs, mystery solved, come on- Sebit commented, I didn't move -Now I catch up with you- I said seriously as walking towards the dogs and caught their attention, I took from my pouch a large piece of meat wrapped in paper that I was going to prepare that night -Hey! Here! You're all good babies! How cute are al of you! - I exclaimed, the dogs turned to see me attracted by the food.

Just as they approached I threw the meat away, the pack of dogs went after the object. Suddenly the ... "Goron" stood up, he was so big that he even covered the sunlight, the scare was such that I fell on my own ass while that huge guy smiled in relief -Well, thank you! You were the only person who stopped to help me! - the giant being said, his voice was deep and strong, I was still in shock, the guy was huge.

This is how I met the greatest warrior of the Goron and their leader, Daruk, and how he almost gave me a heart attack on my first encounter with his species.

___ P.O.V Y/ N: Present___

-If I said yes ... What would you do? - I asked, lying to someone that was nice to me apart from the Yiga was a big deal for me, Daruk took a serious stance -I wouldn't do anything, I understand that the Yiga have despicable plans, and will do everything possible to sink the growth of the kingdom-

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