The Beast

446 14 2

Glossary for this chapter:
Y/ N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available

___ P.O.V  Y/ N ___

I walked alongside little Sidon until we reached the mountain, the entire domain could be seen from there.

Before I could enjoy the view, a sudden twinge of adrenaline assaulted my chest , a natural reaction when I was on the Twilight war era, I carried Sidon making him drop the spear and ran behind a large rock, while an arrow just brushed my arm, that was enough to feel an electric current that ran through my body.

I heard a roar, Sidon hugged my legs while I peeked my head over the rock, what I saw didn't gave me an answer of who the enemy was -W-What is that?! - I'd never seen anything similar, it was like a kind of humanoid lion, or at least most of it, it had four legs in the lower part, that thing was huge, and it had giant weapons as well... It wasn't the first time that I faced something monstrous but that thing was new.

When recovering from the shock, I took the little zora by the shoulders -Stay here, don't let that thing or its arrows reach you- I said, after all one of the basic things I've learnt in that era was that electricity was something deathly in the zora species, and I took one of my kodachi to place it in his hands -Use this to defend yourself only if necessary, don't go in to attack? Go to get help- My words were calm and serious just to transmit a little security in the middle of the chaos, Sidon nodded despite being terrified.

I ran leaving the shelter and took the spear that was on the floor -Hey! Over here! - I exclaimed, the sound of a beep from a whistle began to be heard, it was surely Sidon, the beast turned to where he was, I took my second kodachi to throw it at its head but that thing just dodged and just rose its cheek.

That monster seemed to have decided to ignore the beeps to face me,I gave a deep breath, I'd never used a spear beyond basic training but there was a child that I had to protect, the beast extended its bow and aimed again, I started running to try to dodge the projectiles; That thing was agile, I could barely dodge two arrows, the third would almost hit me if I hadn't taken a couple of steps back.

Now the enemy drew something resembling a sword and ran at a great speed in my direction while raising the weapon. I couldn't block the attack with such a thin weapon like mine or he would slice it, so I leaned forward and waited.

3 .... 2 .... A little more ... Now!

I dodged his attack by sliding in the opposite direction, I pushed myself off the ground to attack with several lunges with the spear, but ...

"It hardly hurt him!"

In the Twilight era, the beasts at least drew back a little for the advantage, that thing didn't flinch and it seemed that mi attack just made him angrier. I saw a huge fist, from one second to another I crashed on the floor and rolled towards a small pond that was in the place.

The spear flew through the air, I no longer had weapons, but there were several arrows around the place, when I brought my hand to the tip of one I felt the same electric current from a few moments ago "Electric arrows!" The Link of my time had spoken of them; The monster was approaching with its weapon, while I recovered my breath I waited for it to approach, I slowly got out of the pond.

While the enemy raised the sword, he didn't notice that it placed a pair of legs in the water. I took the opportunity to stick the point of the arrow on the pond creating an electric current that instantly paralyzed it. The beast still didn't drop it's weapon, the tip of that arrow was about to break from the electricity "Come on, come on", it broke, and the monster used the non-sharp part of its sword to throw my body to the other side like if I were a wooden puppet, as if taking time to have fun with me before making a final blow.

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