The Protectors and their protected

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Glossary for this chapter:
Y/ N: Your name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not available

___ Y/ N P.O.V ___

The battle dragged on, Sooga used secret techniques that made the earth rumble and break, lightning strikes fell  in different directions or made dark metal daggers appear that almost pierced me or the rito champion.

I was again under the edge of his katana, the Yiga was pressing a wound that had emerged in my side -The blood of the princess will be used to invoke the calamity, don't make me kill you before your time- he whispered, I smiled a little pretending bravery at the time when I was actually afraid -Do you really think she will die so easy? None of us go alone, somehow or other I will make the Yiga clan leave that horrible dream of waking up the Calamity-

Sooga pressed the wound more, inserted the hilt of his weapon into my open skin, I clenched my teeth using all my strength not to scream in pain, I did not want to give him that pleasure, we felt a strong whirlwind of air form between the two causing for us to fly off separately and my body rolled downhill until a dead pine stopped the path.

-Go to the palace for help! - Revali exclaimed before continuing in the combat, I saw him fly towards the Yiga while shooting various arrows and invoking strong currents of air.

It hurt to breathe, my fingers gripped my kodachi, should I invoke the Fierce Deity?

I was going to do it until I remembered that last dream before going to Satori Mountain, at some point the Fierce Deity got out of control, something so bad was going to happen that the Link from my time had to stab me with his sword, what if that time I used it at the festival could it was controlled by mere luck? What if it hurt Revali too?

"You were able to fight without that power, get up and do it again" I thought, clenched my teeth as I slowly got up and climbed to where they were fighting.

As soon as I arrived I could see how Sooga first lashed the rito on the ground, there was an unpleasant crunch that made Revali let out a loud cry of pain, then he raised him towards the sky, holding him by the neck while with his katana he was about to stab the general's stomach -You have learned to fight honorably, however I'm afraid I can't let you intervene-

I threw my kodachi to the side of Sooga's head without letting him finish. The one I had since the twilight era, the Yiga let go of Revali who clung to the ground and began to give sharp puffs of air. I pounced on our enemy .

We stopped on a small flat ground where I positioned myself on top of Sooga, I disengaged my weapon from his head abruptly, letting his blood stain my uniform, he let out a groan of pain as I pointed the edge of the weapon at him -I tried not to make a deep wound for you to listen to me for a damn time- I whispered, dominated by anger as I held him by the collar of his uniform. Sooga's expression was unknown since he had his mask on but he had tense muscles as a sign of alert -Get out of here- I said.

-It won't be the last time I come here- he whispered in response and then disappeared in a cloud of smoke, I stayed there for a few seconds before going with Revali who was on the floor, I leaned down while putting one of his wings behind my back - 1, 2, 3 ...- Supporting me with my knees I made us stand up.

-I told you to go for help ...- I heard him say, his emeralds were fixed on me -I AM the help, "Royal Bodyguard" Remember? - I replied as he supported his body more on mine.

I was almost carrying his body - What would have happened to you if that guy had killed you while you were trying to save me? - he whispered.

-I would have taken him with me to hell -I said without hesitation and glanced at him making our eyes meet again -It is my duty to protect you, even if it costs me my life- I added firmly before continuing the road to the ranch, he did not answer -But we must ask for help, I will send a letter to Robbier-

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