Sealed Destiny: Penultimate Chapter

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First part of the ending, the branch that is divided between a happy ending and a fateful one.

Glossary for this chapter:
Y/n: Your name.
N/A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View

___N/A P.O.V___

Y/n cried in his/her/their lover's arms until they finally lay motionless inside the manger, how long had it been? Hours? Minutes? They did not know, the rito was full of intrusive thoughts.

"I should have escorted them" "I should have protected him/her/them" "You are not capable of protecting even your own people!"

The sheikah heard Revali gulp -We must tell the others- the champion commented to what y/n held him by the shoulder pads of his armor -No!- he/she/they begged, looking into his eyes with his/hers/theirs red and moistened.

- But, look at you! You are a mess! We are select servants of the crown, even for you to be the royal bodyguard, the king took his time to choose you for your skills, I doubt very much that you have not fought, Who did this to you? - Revali asked with his feathers ruffled, his voice trembling and his breathing ragged, he felt fear, a genuine fear that had waited to attack for a long time.

His lover did not respond, a hostile silence invaded the small wooden space while they heard a couple of neighs from some horses that were nearby -It was Astor- y/n finally said after meditating on telling him the truth, that response created an unpleasant sensation in the rito's stomach that almost caused him to vomit.

Revali  brought a wing to his beak trying to calm down or simulate surprise -That man died, surely it was someone else- he began to say, y/n shook his/her/their head slowly, he/she/they carried a hand to the collar of his/her/their uniform to lower it a little, there were bandages, the bodyguard slowly removed these to reveal a deep, long scar very close to a major vein.

Anger, fear, horror: the warm moments they had less than a day ago faded from the rito's mind as he stared in astonishment at the deep wound that almost gave death to the one he loved the most.

-Where is he now?- he asked with a somber tone in his voice, he wanted to go himself and pierce that man with all his arrows, destroy him and make sure he never came back.

Y/n noticed that and still replied -It's useless, I also don't know his whereabouts- he/she/they couldn't tell him that himself/herself/themselves was the enemy's main objective for Ganon to come back, if he/she/they told him that Revali would probably tell the champions, then Zelda would find out and the necessary pilgrimage to the spring of wisdom would be paused to watch over him/her/them, no, the princess had to awaken her power at any cost.

The sheikah had to lie to him so that he would be calm and so that Revali could face Ganon with his heart in peace -I will be escorted to the Kakariko village where Chief Nera will protect me, my people will take care of Astor, you shouldn't worry about that- y/n lowered his/her/their head putting the bandages back on -I won't try anything stupid, I must stay alive to be with you in Tabantha- he/she/they added.

That last one was true, y/n made a promise to himself/herself/themselves that after facing Ganon he/she/they would have warm and tender moments next to his/her/their beloved rito.

Revali carefully contemplated the sheikah, once he/she/they finished bandaging his/her/their wound he took y/n's chin carefully to make him/her/them see him -I want you to stay in that village until I go for you myself-

His voice sounded more nervous, even trembling, he genuinely hoped that was the truth, that was why it was more difficult for y/n to nod and stroke his wing tenderly -I promise- he/she/they whispered.

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