The Encounter

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Glossary for this chapter:
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/ n: Your Name
N / A: Not Available
E/C: Eye Color

TW / Warning: Death Wish.

___ P.O.V  Y/ n ___

It was a rito with blue and white feathers, emerald eyes which were surrounded by a kind of red and white outline; He was a bit shorter than the other Rito I had met, his wing was stretched out in my direction as if he had just summoned some air torrent in an effortless way to push me away without the need of touching me.

Ordon began to whine, scared -Shut up!- Exclaimed that stranger as the horse ran to take some distance, I threw a stone at his beak; They could throw my body like a kind of rag doll, but touching my horse or yelling at him, I felt as if my father had been insulted - Dare to touch him or I swear my weapon will be next! -

The stranger backed away while holding the area where the stone hit him -How bothersome-

I was ready to throw something else at him until he looked at me more calmly now ...

-You can move perfectly now, and apparently you have already adapted to the language of this era, y/n- he could see my expression of surprise and that seemed to please him -or I should say... Sleeper- he whispered as releasing his beak showing a triumphant smile, as if my name belonged to him, he brought his wings behind his back to take out a large bow.

He pointed two arrows at me without hesitation -And you can't deny it, that ridiculous outfit is pretty obvious- I could barely move, reflexively I drew my kodachi -Is it really honorable of you to start a fight with someone who is in a state like mine? - I asked, narrowing my eyes.

The rain was still falling and in the distance a couple of rays roared from the clouds threatening to fall from the sky, I took off my mask, the paint on my face was probably already discolored, smeared, dark circles betrayed was telling the cruelty of having traveled at a fast pace around the kingdom, but I wanted him to see my will defend myself at all costs -Princess, please go to the ranch-  my opponent ordered without taking his eyes off me.

-Enough! - Zelda exclaimed as she interposed between us, she turned with me, her face was one of surprise, she looked amazed, like a little girl who opens a birthday present -You are ... You are that Sheikah they found in Hebra, ' Sleeper ', right? The one who was in that Imitation from the Twilight era of the Shrine of resurrection. How didn't realize before? We have searched the entire kingdom for you! - She said as If we were friends from a long time, I stepped back a bit as pursing my lips in disgust, "Imitation of what?" And that damn nickname.

-Pardon princess, but I beg you not to call me "Sleeper", you can use my name directly, I would appreciate it - I asked kindly.

The rito gave a mocking laugh -You speak like a character from an old book! - He commented, trying to provoke me as he lowered the bow for a few moments, and looked in a small pouch that hung from his belt, the rito took out a glass bottle with a pink liquid -Use it to so you won't have any excuse- he commented, stretching his wing to me still holding that object.

-I may repeat, princess, please, go find shelter from the rain, this person can be dangerous- he added. I placed my weapon away and slowly approached the feathered one who looked at me with arrogance and disdain. I took the bottle, took off my hood, the rain immediately soaked my face and hair as the rest of my clothes -Please, I beg you... Don't start a senseless battle- pleaded the princess.

-No one is going to fight today, Majesty-  I replied, staring at the rito, I was burning with anger but no, I wasn't going to fight at least today, there was someone injured people that needed attention, I took off my cape to cover the princess with it and put the pink-ish elixir in her hands -You're needing this more than I, It's raining majesty, please come with me- I whispered gently, the princess froze at my touch so I took care to make my movements smooth, kind, the most respectful way possible and almost don't come in contact with her.

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