The Master Sword

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Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
Y/ N: Your Name

"Call the hero"
"The hero"
"You must go with the sword"
"The sword sleeps in the forest"
"The forest is waiting"
"Come with the hero"
"Wake up the hero"
"It's the end"
"He is coming"
"The Calamity will have no mercy"
"Protect them"
"Go for Link"

___ N / A P.O.V ___

It doesn't matter where he was going.

Everyone had their eyes on him, Link pretended that it did not affect him but since his recruiting so many years ago he had not been more than the center of gossip for being so young and skilled, and after containing a guardian that lose control in a tryout at the royal backyard the king's gaze was fixed on him.

According to his captains he was definitely "The best swordsman in the kingdom", he trained even after hours and devoted himself fervently to it.

Because he wanted to be just like him: his father.

Captain Arn was a blacksmith from Hateno Village, but in his glory days he was the best captain and soldier the kingdom's history, it was his father who taught him a passion for the art of the sword from an early age.

But sadly he died of an illness relatively few years ago, his younger sister was now under the care of a kind lady who had a clothing store, the two of them wrote each other frequently and she also visited him a lot, sometimes even taking other children from the village because they wanted to see it.

It was about the Great big brother Link after all! The hero of the village!

Now he practiced hard in one of the training grounds of Hyrule Castle, more than anything wanting to impress the little ones who loved him so much, he was trying to make powerful attacks with straw dolls since many soldiers resigned from training with him at those hours

-Hey Link! You've received a letter! - A soldier called as he approached the young man who stopped immediately to straighten up - How is everyone? Are the laps to the track finished? - He asked while taking the envelope.

The newcomer let out a small groan -No, but I had to give you this quickly, surely it is a letter from one of those children, you don't want to delay the answer for someone as persistent as your sister, right? - He asked, the blonde gave a little scared gasp causing a laugh in the other, it was very rare to see him put an expression on his face after all -See you later! -

After saying goodbye, the swordsman reviewed the envelope, it was the handwriting of someone he didn't know, intrigued, he opened it to reveal the following letter that now contained a golden ring with an engraved triforce:

"Honorable Knight.

I'm writing this letter to you in order to take the favor that you have told me so much that you owe me, there is a being of incredible evil that could threaten the well-being of Hyrule, I've planned a joint assault and I need you, please wear this ring that the princess has given me to be able to ask permission to go and meet me at the entrance to the Great Hyrule Forest.

I'll see you there next week, I ask you to prepare.

-May Hylia take care of you and your beloved ones.
Y/ n "

If it was a threat then he would go help, after witnessing to several people who had helped he suspected that Y/ n's intentions were bad, he even looked at the ring, it was something that only high ranked people used, that meant that the princess or the king himself trusted on him/her/them.

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