The Kidnapping

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Glossary of this chapter:
Y/N = Your Name.
P.O.V = Point of View.
N / A P.O.V = There is no point of view.

___ N / A P.O.V ___

It was on a day with a snowstorm when the Yiga clan began their plan, they disguised themselves as scientists and royal guards, Sooga was dressed as a royal guard, his dark skin and huge scar on his face made him look extremely attractive, while Kohga disguised himself as a servant sent to tend to the needs of the scientists, the two of them didn't look flashy or ordinary.

Meanwhile, the pair of scientists were having a chat with the village's elder, not noticing the upcoming danger -Just one more day, and we can transfer "Sleeper" to here in the village- Purah commented to Kaneli who listened to the reports extremely intrigued, the two scientists were drinking tea on a small table in the middle of his house, they had established a friendship with the leader.

-But I suppose that is not the name of that poor creature, ¿Have you found the real one in the records? - asked the rito, Robbie shook his head -Only that in the legends this Sheikah is known as "Eagle" but we all nicknamed the subject, "Sleeper" meanwhile, it seems that has the ability to understand a couple of words depending on the answers with using his/her/their finger, but there are other words or questions where Sleeper doesn't give an answer, we believe it is due to the linguistic evolution- answered the white-haired man.

Purah let out a dreamy sigh. -But isn't that great? When Sleeper fully learns this era's vocabulary... we will be able ask so many questions about that other era - She said - And that will come shortly, contrary to popular belief, the brain is made to adapt to its time or situation, it will not take Sleeper long to learn-

Another sheikah entered the house with a tea set to serve -You must remember he/she/they is a human being, we should take that into account, that you guys refer to Sleeper as an object makes me feel bad for that person- commented the newcomer, it was Impa, at that time she was 17 years old with similar features to the female scientist but her hair was long, and on her forehead she had the symbol of the Sheikah tribe painted with a purple pigment.

-Lady Impa is right, when you talk about Eagle you should be a little more tactful- advised the elder - Besides, Didn't Sleeper had a little heart failure after that conversation you had in front of him/her/them about the centuries he/she/they sleeped a few days ago? - added the youngest sheikah, she was full of wisdom as well as various knowledge, Impa was on the right track in her training under the guidance of the current royal advisor.

Both scientists took their tea cups to take a little sip and went silent -In those moments we were very immersed in that conversation, we still cannot believe how someone can still be alive after so many centuries- confessed Purah.

The conversation was interrupted when a Rito guard arrived, he looked hurried and angst -They took Sleeper!- he exclaimed in agitation.

They all stood up -¿Did you see who it was? - Impa asked seriously -I-I don't know, there was a royal guard who said he was escorting Princess Zelda, but I didn't see her anywhere, then I saw him running holding Sleeper out of the chrysalis, I came to ask for reinforcements and report while my colleague are trying to follow the stranger's trail - he said quickly.

-Revali was guarding that area, go check if he is alright, Nemura- asked the patriarch, the guard nodded before leaving quickly.

___ P.O.V Y/ N ___

For the first time since I woke up, I was finally dreaming.

I was in a nomad establishment before the fall of Zant, with the other sheikah; My brother Kitta was going to dance with other three of our people, it was the ceremonial dance of the goddesses that our people had been doing for centuries, the profession of the interpreters didn't matter, that dance was a kind of obligation to be performed annually, an obligation to be learn.

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