Broken Heart's Club

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Glossary for this chapter:
Y/N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available.

"Dear  y/n.

These days have been very difficult because of your absence, and the company of the new knight ... Is not quite as pleasant as yours.

Will you be able to come back soon? How are your injuries? I hope we meet in a short time.

Although I also learned that your recovery is taking place in Kakariko Village, you will surely need time to reconnect with your people.


"Dear friend.

My wounds are improving even though I can't ride a horse yet.

I am counting on the company of Impa and Rael, they are doing their best to instruct me to be able to carry out the new job that your father has assigned me.

I've learnt many new things from this Sheikah generation and they have learned a lot from me, it has certainly been very interesting.

As for Link, I know he doesn't talk much, and he's a very quiet person. But I assure you that you can fully trust him, give him a chance, I'm sure you will get along if you give him time.

Also hoping to see you again Zelda, although I deeply regret not being able to attend the festival with you.

May the goddesses listen to you so we will see each other again soon.

-Y/n "

After writing the letter, I turned to Caramell, the eagle messenger that Robbie lent me and was resting above one of the gravestones in Kakariko's cemetery, I placed the letter in the small backpack that the bird owned.

I took him carefully -Well, go to Hyrule Castle- I whispered and raised the bird that immediately took flight towards the noon sky.

My eyes went around the place, a lush lawn dominated the area, the tombstones were several oval stones of different sizes, on each rocky surface a carved name could be seen.

Visiting the cemetery was pretty common for me, according to Chief Nera, one of the first graves was that of my father.

Whether it was true or not: I felt like he was with me.

I left a couple of white and pink flowers in front of the set of stones and then placed Zelda's letter in my pouch. I sat down and saw the landscape that stretched out after the cemetery, Hyrule castle was rising imposingly on the horizon. That would be my home after finishing training.

Even though it was much more than others possessed, I wanted a home that gave me more sense of freedom than a lot of walls, endless corridors and rooms, but I was also willing to give that new lifestyle a chance.

-Ha! Knew you would be here- someone said, I raised my head, it was a Sheikah with long white hair, fine features and violet eyes, the poet of the royal court but he was also a kind of teacher in terms of the royal family's secrets.

-Rael, hello- I greeted as he sat next to me and handed me an apple - I gave one to Ordon while coming here, I don't know if it's a horse, he acts more like a royal guard- he said sarcastically.

A small laugh went out from my lips while I passed the apple between my hands fiddling and let out a sigh -Today we will learn two new songs, the most important of all- he began to say now, I quickly ate the apple, placed the fruit's heart in my pocket and cleaned my hands by rubbing them in my shirt.

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