Taking the first step

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Glossary for this chapter:
T / N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available

___ N / A P.O.V__

When y/n went to sleep in the room Zelda had shown him/her/them the first time, was left thinking about the change in attitude in the rito, almost a year ago that proud general smashed him/her/them against the ground literally, but now, he even repaired the beloved kodachi.

Although also ... He/She/They   took out of his/her/their pouch the feather that he had sent with the letter, a small candle that illuminated the room mixed its warm colors with the indigo color of the object.

Y/n still couldn't forgive him for all the pain he caused him/her/them, for all his cruelty in the past, and he/she/they  was/were   even afraid that this new kindness was a strategy of his.

The sheikah felt fear, distrust.

"Maybe if I take precautions, we can probably work decently" Eagle thought while placing the feather away, blew out the candle and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, in a much more luxurious room (Because it was for a champion), Revali was reclining in the cotton and silk hammock that they been made for him.

It was a room that without the bed, looked twice as large as that of his co-workers, had a high ceiling from which hung a chandelier with several already extinguished candles, under this laid a large blue velvet mat with the triforce embroidered in gold threads, where the bed was supposed to go were two tall bookcases with two armchairs and a tea table in the center.

Finally at the back, to one side of the door, was placed a large desk where the rito had carefully placed the eagle bow.

His hammock hung almost to one side of one of the many long windows, he looked up at the moon.

He was thinking about that dream, then that fleeting thought he had, the rito wondered if he had had that same feeling with any of the other champions or with the princess, and even with other inhabitants of the Rito village.

Nobody, just    y/n made him feel that way, and he didn't know why, it was a strange but pleasant feeling that Revali was willing to explore.

"But you hurt him/her/them" his mind silenced.

Revali remembered all those times that he humiliated y/n, that he hurt him/her/them and even how the sheikah's pain caused him some satisfaction for a sense of "justice" that never existed because in the end it was someone who had not even deserved that treatment from the beginning .

The rito snorted as he slammed his head against the pillow -Well done, you big jerk-  he whispered as closing his eyes remembering the scars on y/n's arms, caused by his own claws, he felt an unpleasant shudder run through his back and chest.

Maybe if he didn't talk to him/her/them, maybe if you he made a certain distance from y/n, like he did with the princess.


He wanted to find out what that feeling was, and Revali was willing to take responsibility for his actions, he was already taking his first steps after all, now he would think for a moment as suitable words to say "I'm sorry, I did horrible things to you" without lowering his pride.

First the general would fix things up, then he would find out what all that stirring of emotions inside him meant.

The next day y/n was the first to arrive at the library and he/she/they looked a little tired.

Despite having been awake, the sheikah was the first to arrive to read the diaries and books  of his/her/their time, but there was nothing that spoke of a hidden room, y/n let out a sleepy yawn as he/she/they closed two books -I see you're from the ones that wakes up before the sun does-

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