The Price of Power

429 7 9

Glossary for this chapter:
N / A: Not Available
P.O.V: Point of View
T / N: Your Name
L/N: Last name.

___ N / A P.O.V ___

They had transferred y/n to one of the guest rooms, the doctors tended his/her/their   wounds and obeyed the king's request to check if there was anything out of the ordinary, there was nothing, the sheikah was pretty normal.

The champions, the princess, the scientists and the royal advisor gathered in the library, all of them were in a deathly silence that revealed the fear that a life would be lost.

The tournament, like the rest of the festivities, had been interrupted to fix what was left by that attack.

Before going to the library, Robbie was in the same room as y/n, he was working on the bracelets, they had not received any damage, the doctors were waiting for the warrior to respond to the treatments.

When he finished, the scientist placed the bracelets back on the patient's wrists, he looked at   him/her/them   carefully. He/She/They   was/were   breathing in a rhythmic way, Robbie carefully combed   his/her/their   hair to clear   his/her/their   face and then get a little closer -Get well soon, Cherry- he whispered.

The scientist kissed   his/her/their  forehead gently, after that, he separated and adjusted his glasses to go outside.

Everyone else looked for answers in all the books, but there was nothing, according to Mipha that transformation was so unknown that she had only heard it mentioned in an old Zora song that even children no longer sang.

-There's nothing, they only mention it once- Urbosa whispered, everyone was tired, Daruk scratched his beard somewhat restlessly. -I'm honestly hungry, but I don't want to leave my dear sibling alone- he muttered.

-I will make sure that y/n receives the necessary medical attention, when  he/she/they  wakes up, we will look for answers all together- Zelda commented, Revali had been resting for a long time leaning against one of the large windows of the library -Well, what do we have for now? - he asked.

Purah carefully set aside a couple of books to take out a notebook that leafed through -Let's see: "The Fierce deity is not a kind of divinity, but it is a powerful transformation of the self-being, the only person on record that has had a transformation of that magnitude has been the hero of the era of time. The user in question has marks on the face and distinctive white hair. Due to the little evidence of the deity's existence, it is considered a myth. "- When she finished reading, the woman lowered the paper -We don't have too much and what we have is too vague- she whispered.

Link finished organizing the books that had been taken -I think ... We could ask y/n when  he/she/they   wakes up- he looked towards the door -Anyway the attack of the Yiga clan took us all by surprise, we should go back to the divine beasts and protect our regions while the decisive battle begins, if we have this new ally, we could have more advantage against the calamity- interrupted Urbosa.

-Urbosa! We don't know if   he/she/they  wants to participate - Zelda interrupted, the matriarch looked at her seriously - The more allies the better, if y/n want  his/her/their  freedom, then the condition shall be presenting some service to the crown-

The princess looked at everyone, they did not dare to see her face, Link was the only one who held her sight -We need all the help possible- he supported, that made her even more angry, that comment was so insensitive, this new knight didn't consider someone who even helped him get the sword that seals the darkness.

-It's incredible, that you think to use  him/her/them as a weapon, we asked all of you if you wanted to participate, but y/n... We're not going to give   him/her/them  a choice? It's unspeakable!- Zelda snapped.

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