The Intruder

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Glossary of this chapter:
N / A: Not Available.
P.O.V: Point Of View.
Y/ N: Your Name.

____ N / A P.OV ___

Revali was in the newly completed Flight Range, the workers hastened the pace of its construction because the young warrior had isolated himself in the highest mountains of the region to train day and night since that incident.

He was the one who found the burnt corpse (The one that the Yiga Clan used to trick them) with Sleeper's clothes on it, everyone mourned and blamed themselves for the death: Especially him, his pride was stabbed, shattered, they had trusted his being to protect someone who would give the answers to several questions from the past, the nearest one to the Divine Beasts's origins but he failed.

Kaneli like other rito told him that he did what he could, for Revali it was humiliating, the rito was even reduced to a Sheikah girl helping him to return to his village the day were Sleeper got abducted, everything was simply horrible.

Revali felt the wind on his feathers, during a furious takeoff he discovered that he could summon strong whirlwinds even before taking flight, he imagined a kind of circular air flow surrounding him and little by little the air of the place obeyed that vision.

The air swirled around him and became strong, powerful like that internal anger he felt towards himself, but when he opened his eyes and spread his wings, the rito shot into the sky without having much control causing him to crash into the ground.

-I must be better, I won't tolerate any other mistake- he demanded and got up again, he heard a rito flying in the distance -General Revali!- It was a young apprentice, when the young one landed he did a salute by placing his wing on his chest and bowing in front of him.

Revali sighed, he didn't like formalities, he preferred when they went straight to the point -Speak fast- he ordered with some weariness -The Sheikah Scientists Purah and Robbie are coming the next week to evaluate the newly-founded Divine Beast "Vah Medoh", they ask for you and your squad for total protection-

They've discovered in the ancient engravings of the divine beast the name, "Medoh". As they deduced, it was in the name of "Medli" the first sage of the rito and one of the heroines who helped the chosen one by the triforce of courage to defeat Ganondorf.

The archer's prejudice towards the Sheikah reduced considerably but not enough to continue to feel their intruder-like presences when they reached the village.-I'll go talk to the elder about the manner, thanks for informing me- Revali went silent for a few moments -You were training, isn't it?- he asked, carrying his wings behind his back, the young rito looked a bit nervous. -Y-Yes- he answered shakily.

That young general had his fame in the village for several things: His incredible flying ability, being the best of all in archery, a lot of arrogance but also ...

-You move your wings a lot when you are gliding, remember that your wings are almost the size of an adult's, so there's no need to flap as much as when you were a kid, keep your wings steady for the next time, that will save energy for when you need it- Revali said pretending disinterest.

Revali was known for advising those who really needed help, but it happened on rare occasions, little glimpses of gentleness that he immediately concealed -Maybe with that you no longer look like some kind of poorly made toy or a broken kite- he added, the young warrior looked at him angrily before leaving.

-Jerk- the young rito murmured before flying away but he was taking into account the General's advice.

The general turned now in the opposite direction, where they had found Medoh, at the mountains; That divine beast seemed to call him, not only its form, its technology, but something in that thing, it called his name, made him feel chills, as if he could perceive a voice, something.

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