Have you fallen in love, Revali?

480 12 13

Glossary for this chapter:
Y/ N: Your Name
E/C: Eye Color
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available
L/N: Last name

___ N / A P.O.V ___

As soon as Rhoam reached the throne room, everyone fell silent, assumed a serious posture, the man climbed the stairs and walked to his seat, his eyes went to the newcomers, his expression became more somber than usual.

Impa, who was coming after him, even noticed how heavy that environment had become. Could it have been from seeing Terrako? Or because of Revali's broken wing? They all bet on both options.

-What is that thing doing here?- Asked the king pointing his ringed finger at the little machine that was staring at Zelda. Y/n gave the notebooks to a royal guard who took them up and gave them to Rhoam, he began to leaf through the first notebook -Terrako, was my father's invention, apparently it has very old records-

-That machine, I thought they had destroyed it after the queen ...- Impa began to say as the king lowered the notebooks, Zelda looked at her father with concern, the royal bodyguard maintained his/her/their firm position -Well, forgive my daring King Rhoam, but how good it was not, Terrako contains very valuable information, especially about the Sheikah Towers-

-Sheikah Towers? What Towers are you talking about? - the advisor asked, y/n pointed to the notebooks -They're described in the first notebook, the Sheikah Towers were built during my era, at first I did not understand what they were for, but now that I know the Sheikah Slate, I can make an assumption...- he started to say.

Rhoam leaned back on his throne and waved his hand inviting him/her/them to continue.

-The divine beasts can apparently communicate with each other, to be able to transmit messages abroad use a communication system that has not changed over the centuries, called "Morse code", this message would reach the Sheikah Slate equally, what the towers do is to expand the communication signal of the beasts and the Slate with the rest of the kingdom, each one contains specific data of each region, or at least that is how they were designed- explained the sheikah remembering what he/she/they had written down, remembering his/her/their father's records.

Zelda was immersed in the conversation, amazed and interested -Could we also ... Communicate with the guardians?- she asked while clasping her hands in a shy expression, y/n put a hand under his/her/their chin in a thoughtful way -What I have for now has not spoken of the guardians, also, when I was in my era, those machines were under another scientist's construction and design - y/n answered.

-All this has been useful, however, I've received the report that you and the rito champion were attacked by one of the most powerful members of the Yiga clan- Rhoam commented, putting down the notebooks, looking at the champion and at the sheikah saying that in a reprimand tone than impartiality, Revali lowered his head, unable to look the king in the face feeling a great shame invading his being.

Meanwhile Y/n held the man's gaze, feeling the fury invade him/her/them -If it weren't for the rito champion, Terrako would be in the enemy's hands, and all this data would have probably been used to spoil the investigations that the princess or the scientists at your service have done so far- he/she/they answered while putting a hand to his/her/their chest -It was my proposal to go to Satori Mountain in the first place, the two of us fought with honor, without staining the crown's name, raising the name of the kingdom before the enemy- he/she/they added.

Rhoam frowned in disgust, Zelda, Link, and the rest of the presents were shocked to see such a direct confrontation, the closest royal guards began to approach the sheikah to take him/her/them by the arms, but the king stretched his hand -It's okay, let him/her/them alone...-

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