Be more careful

410 12 9

Glossary for this chapter:
T / N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View

___ T / N P.O.V ___

I had already gotten used to nightmares, many times I forced my mind to enter that "black space" where everything was dark, everything was disconnected, but it rarely worked.

However, the most recent nightmare was about the past.

I was in the citadel, the castle of Hyrule was raised with different dark flags waving from its different towers, a friendly farmer had sheltered us in his cart, how old was I at that time? ... Ten-something? ... I don't remember.

Dad had gotten rid of our clan's tattoos, Kitta also in painful processes that involved burning the skin to force it to grow new. I had a scarf very tight around my neck that barely let me breathe and the hood of my tunic didn't let me see much -Don't move so much, be natural- my brother whispered.

The horse cart stopped right in front of the castle, Zant's servants were checking each of the horses, merchandise and people.

I could see the main square not far from the cart, there was a huge and long wooden platform with hatches underneath, there were four of our people lined up in a row, with their hands tied behind their back, their legs tied in ropes, with their gazes lost on the horizon.

The man who pronounced the sentence had his face covered by a mask that had a lizalfos-like appearance, he extended the long sleeves of his tunic in theatrical and unnatural gestures that caused me to chill.

-Dad, it's the usurper king, it's Zant- my brother whispered in alarm.

The Twilight Era, I always believed it had been called that because there always seemed to be a kind of gray mist that covered our heads, but the meaning changed when I noticed a rope on the imprisoned sheikah's necks.

I struggled to hear a few words.

-That is why, you should not try anything, these four renegades of the crown should be a sufficient example. I humbly offered to speak with the princess, establish a diplomatic relationship to benefit us, but what did they do? They have hidden her! Like cowards! - said the man in a voice that was rather a low echo that resounded in the ears of those present, including mine.

I felt an unpleasant chill run down my back, as if I was facing something really scary.

One of the sheikah raised his head - You were going to kill her! Long live princess Zelda! Long live Hyru- Zant stretched out a hand, an assistant next to him activated the hatch under the man's feet, that piece of wood under the man's feet was no longer there and I could see how the rope around the sheikah's neck tightened.

The poor soul tried to scream, clenched his teeth and foam came out of his mouth and saliva in excess until he finally stopped moving.

-Can you see him? I am not happy to do this, but it is to maintain the perfect order that I am implementing in your lives-

A young Hylian man with brown hair and circular glasses approached to the cart-Why don't you move on? Quick, we must get this family out of here- he whispered hastily to the driver, the stranger was heavily sweating.

He was a scrawny and thin young man, he seemed more like a scholar than some kind of rebel against the current government.

-Shad, there are many guards and people as hasty to leave as us, don't worry, they won't discover them and I will be able to come for more when they are safe- replied the farmer, but his answer did not seem to please the young man.

I pursed my lips, I could see Shad's gray eyes fall on me -Hello young one... don't worry, everything will be fine - he whispered as he took one of my hands in his, they were so cold but his smile was very warm -I promise that you will get out of here, Okay? Just don't pay attention to the execution- he told me.

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