The Maniac

368 7 2

Glossary for this chapter:
Y / N: Your Name
P.O.V: Point of View
N / A: Not Available

Warning: Blood, death, among other violent actions.

___ Y / N P.O.V ___

Again it was that dream, but this time it was set in Tabantha, the rito ran from one side to another while several guardians destroyed the bridges and killed everyone in their path without distinction of species, Vah Medoh: The divine beast that was supposed to help on the duty of protecting the kingdom glowed in reddish lights and seemed to aid with the destruction.

A Rito warrior flew evading a terrifying-looking large beast, performed ascending stunts, and fired explosive arrows at that being using his wings.

That enemy was extremely thin, large, it had no legs and a reddish mane waved in the air, there was a large cannon where one of its harm should be while the other was elongated, it seemed to have a kind of mask that had several bluish glass spheres.

The fight unfolded above the divine beast that flew and did not stop attacking the people below.

But that thing didn't give way, it was at night, from the rito's features I assumed that it didn't seem to be one of the lucky few species that could see at night, the beast disappeared, the warrior looked from side to side, the enemy appeared to his backs.

-Watch out!- I tried to scream, but I couldn't, in all those terrible dreams my voice was unheard or neither had a body to help. The only thing that I could do was to observe and memorize the details, how many died, where they attacked.

I made myself watch it.

How that thing destroyed the poor warrior with a single shot from its cannon.

I woke up, my breath was heavy, I sat in the hammock holding my chest.

-Are you still having nightmares, Cherry? - Asked a voice, I turned my glance down where Robbie was writing in a notebook, sitting at the desk apparently transferring Kitta's notebook to a new one; He and Purah had come to the conclusion that those nightmares were my mind trying to relate the events of the past to the present but I knew it was something else.

I got out of the hammock and looked out the window, the sky was clear, a couple of white-fur foxes where playing near the cabin -How cute! Mr. Robbie, look! - I exclaimed, I heard how the scientist lowered his pen, walked around the chair and then stood behind me, looking at the little animals - Purah will love this! It's a whole family!- He laughed.

After that I made a quick breakfast, honey apples and meat patties for lunch. As we finished eating we heard someone knocking violently on the door -Come in!- Rotver crooned as if he was already used to the person calling.

It was Revali who opened the door with unnecessary violence, entered with two pairs of snow boots and threw them at the bearskin that was on the wooden floor -Let's get going, I don't have all day- the newcomer ordered while the scientist took a piece of an apple to put it in my mouth as if he knew I was willing to face the rito's rudeness.

-Of course! - Robbie exclaimed, took Kitta's notebook that was on the desk, leafing carefully but quickly until pointing to a small map to show it to him-Here! Do you know where it is? -He asked.

Revali carefully took the map between his wings -It is a poor quality drawing, but yes, it is on Biron Snowshelf- he analyzed -We could get there using Hebra South Summit, although I must say that the visibility is almost null, and you will have to use something more appropriate to allow mobility, the good thing is that it is almost not that far from the North Summit where the last expedition was- he added, judging, looking askance at the poncho with which I had slept, my supervisor accompanied him with that look.

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