Chapter 1

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My name is Amarië. I have been travelling for a long time and a long way lays behind me. For many years I have searched for a place where I can find peace and settle down, but it is still no where to be found. There is always something missing. I have just crossed the Misty Mountins and entered the wilds when a little bird lands on my shoulder. Animals do not fear me because they can feel if someone is going to hurt them and like most elves animals trust us as well. That is way I some times are called Leven Mellon; friend of animals*. The little bird tells me about a house not far from were I am and where I maybe can rest. In the house there lives a man with a great beard and huge armes. He is also a friend of animals and if I am polite he may open his home for me some days. I let the little bird show me the way.

* Leven means animal in sindarin, according to an app called elven speak pro.

So this is my first fanfiction and it was originally written on Instagram so the chapters are very short and many instead. I hope you like the story.


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