Chapter 50

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❤️️️️️️Amariës point of view❤️
The darkness pushing me down is slowly getting lighter. But that also makes the pain in my neck, head and shoulder stronger. I move my head a little too the left without opening my eyes. A hand suddenly lies on my forehead. The hand is really cold or maybe I'm just warm. I can hear someone move and then I feel how someone sits down on the bed next to me.
L: She is really warm.
I know that voice, but my mind is blurry and I can't remember who it belongs to. I feel a second hand against my cheek. Then another voice I recognise answers;
T: Her fever is still rising, but it will soon go down and she will be fine Legolas.
Legolas, why does that name sound so familiar. Do I know him...
L: I wish she would wake up. Just waiting without being able to do anything is unbearable. What if the captain hurt her more than we know?
The captain... That also sounds familiar. I remember a room and a lot of pain. My memory is slowly getting better. I was there against my will. Someone hurt me and another person saved me.
T: She will tell us if she's hurt somewhere else.
The voice not belonging to Legolas answers comforting. A face pops into my mind. It's beautiful with blonde hair and blue eyes, warm and loving. Legolas! Then another face comes into my mind. It's beautiful as well, but cold and majestic. The king! When I remember the third face a shiver goes down my spine. The captain, dark eyes and cruel words. I'm starting to remember everything that happened. The captain kicking me, Legolas and the king coming and saving me. But what happened after I passed out? Are they safe or has the captain gotten away once again? The darkness is nearly completely gone. I can feel Legolas (probably) stroking my forehead and hair. I'm slowly opening my eyes.

Hello dear readers! ;)

I just want to thank you for your amazing support and bringing this story to 4k.

I know I don't interact with you guys so much, (kind of never) but if there's something that you wanna ask me than just leave a comment and I'll try to answer it.

Hopefully you like the story and it's close to the end. Just 10 more chapters.

Have a good day/night or the time where you are. :)


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