Chapter 46

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❤️️️️️Amariës point of view❤️
C: Put down your weapons.
The captain commands. But Legolas does not move a muscle and the king just watches my neck without showing any kind of emotion. It's like he is waiting for something.
C: If that is your choice.
The captain says in a threatening tone. He cuts deeper into my neck and it starts to bleed a lot. This time the pain is to strong. I scream and try to get away from him. He looses his grip for a short second, but it's enough. The king throws a dagger past my ear and I can hear how it hits the captain. He lets go off me with a little squall. I collapse on the floor grabbing my neck, trying to stop the bleeding.
T: Does anybody else want to fight or will you give up?
The king asks in a cold, calm voice like nothing happened. The elves just stand frozen, overwhelmed.
L: Father!
Legolas screams like it's the last minute of his life. The king doesn't answer, but he probably nodded because Legolas runs to me. He rips off a bit of fabric from his shirt and carefully wraps it around my neck. Then he grabs my waist and helps me stand up. Everything starts to spin and I can't see properly. I lose my balance, but he catches me before I get the chance to hit the ground.

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