Chapter 22

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Legolas point of view.

I throw the orc, who is conscious again, on his knees in front of my father.

- You crossed our southern borders during the night. What are you doing in my kingdom?

He asks the creature coldly with a neutral face. The orc only looks evilly up at him and doesn't answer. Father glances at me and I step forward putting one of my daggers against the orcs neck. He tries to get away from the knife, but I tighten my grip and hold him still.

- I'll ask again, what are you doing in my kingdom?

At first he's silent, but with a little push from my dagger towards his throat has him talking.

- We are on our way to the Gray Mountains.

He spits meeting our gazes defiantly.

- What is the purpose of your quest?

- That's not your business elf-scum.

I can know my father good enough to know that he is slowly getting agitated by the orc, but he doesn't let it show in any way.

- That's were you are wrong. You have entered my realm which makes it my business whether you are only passing through or have other intentions.

I push the dagger a little harder against the orcs neck to get him to talk more, but he doesn't react this time. He only snarls.

- I won't tell you anything. You'll have to kill me.

At that my father smiles a cold, calculating smile without humour, before saying sharply.

- That can be arranged, but we are unfortunately quite busy right now so it'll have to wait. Put this foul creature in a dungeon to roth.

He commands and two guards quickly come and take the orc away. When they've left he turns to the rest of the guards in the room.

- Prepare for war! Creatures like this shall not enter this kingdom any further. At night fall we shall rid our land from them.

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