Chapter 60 The End

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Listen to Heart by heart ~ Demi Lovato whilst reading

Amariës point of view.

- I was afraid to be bound to one place, I've been looking for the right place to stay so long and this is not the place I would call my home. But then Thranduil made me realise that home is not a place it's a person. It's you! Home is where my heart belongs.

I tell him and look him deep in the eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that slowly start to take in what I'm saying. He suddenly takes something from the ground next to him and grabs my left hand, smiling warmly at me.

- Will you marry me?

He wispers and I nod not able to find the right words to answer that question. His smile grows and gently puts the ring on before kissing the ring and then my hand. This beautiful elf is mine and I am his and the happiness and love spreading through me isn't something I would be able to put in words. My search for a place to belong is finally over. I've found my way home.


So this was the last chapter and I hope that you liked it. Once again thank you so much for your lovely support, it truly means a lot. <3


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