Chapter 34

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❤️️️Amariës point of view❤️
The next morning when I wake up Legolas isn't there. I try to sit up, but the pain in the shoulder stops me. So instead I carefully roll over on my left side and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I'm about to stand up when the elf-maiden from yesterday enters.
E: My lady, you should be resting.
She says with surprise.
A: I'm fine.
I reassure her. She looks not convinced, but I stand up anyways.
E: Sit down and have some breakfast as I prepare a bath.
She says in a tone that stops me from disagree. So I walk to the table with food and sit down with a sigh. After I've finished I walk into the bathroom. There is a warm bath prepared. I get undressed and sink down in the warm water. It is refreshing. I wash my hair twice to get it clean. When I'm done the elf-maiden gives me a towel to dry myself. Then I reach for my old clothes cause I don't know where my bag with all my stuff is. I haven't seen it since I got captured.
E: No, my lady. Come with me.
The maiden says and leads me back to the bedchamber. There on the bed lies a beautiful dress. I run my fingers over it and admire it.
E: It's a gift from prince Legolas. He wishes to see you.
She tells me with a smile and a little laughter. I put it on. It's white and made of a light material that flutters at the slightest of movement. Maybe Legolas does care about me.
E: Should I make your hair, my lady?
She asks and I nod. She brushes it before she braids some of it around my head like a crown. The rest is falling down my back.
E: Come we shouldn't let the prince wait.

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