Chapter 9

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Amariës point of view.

I land on one spider that is bigger than the rest and when I look up all the spiders are dead. The pulling of many bowstrings and a kind of metallic sound comes from behind me when someone draws a sword or a dagger out of its sheat. All the guards are pointing their bows at me and when I turn around really slow it's the blonde elf which I fought alongside with just some minutes ago that has pulled a dagger.

- Put down your weapons.

He orders in a authoritative voice. I slowly put down my sword, the knives from my boots and my dagger from my belt. I wonder why they are so suspicious, I've just helped them. Two elves come and bind my hands behind my back and one of the elves next to the blonde says:

- Should we bind her feet as well my lord?

- No, that will not be necessary captain.

I thought the blonde elf was the captain, I wonder who he might be. Maybe a rich lord, but he seems to young for that, but he is outranking the captain that's for sure. My thoughts are interrupted by a white horse that suddenly comes in to the opening, which of course is Nimdor. Some of the elves point their bows at the horse, ready to fire.

- Stop! Do not shoot him!

I scream and freeing myself from the two elves and run towards the blonde elf. Two other guards grab me and push me down on my knees, one of them holding a knife against my throat to stop me from keeping struggling. I look up on the blonde leader and beg him.

- Please! Nimdor does only want to protect me, he means no harm.

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