Chapter 49

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🍃Legolas point of view🍃
The healers leave and I'm alone with my father. When they're gone I look up at him. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tight. I let all my worries and anger and all my other feelings get out and cry against his chest. He doesn't say anything, he just holds me. It was long since I felt the need to being hold. I've missed it.
T: I love you my little leaf. I'm sorry I didn't believe you about her. Forgive me.
He wispers into my ear. I look up and meet his blue eyes. They are sad.
L: Of course Ada!
I answer and smile. He smiles back and looks grateful. Then his eyes wander to Amarië.
T: She is young and beautiful. If only I would have listened. She should not have been put through something like this. To see the darkness that comes with power and feel the pain of a broken heart.
He says and with a heavy heart I look at her. It's all my fault. I promised myself to fight for her, but she was the one fighting. And she nearly paid a far to high price to keep me safe. I go and sit down next to her on the bed and stroke her cheek. Her breathing is more steady now. Thranduil starts walking towards the door, but I don't want to be alone right now.
L: Ada, please stay. I don't want to be alone.
I beg without taking my eyes of Amarië. He comes and sits down on a chair next to the bed.
T: You are never alone. I will always be with you in your heart. Just like you always are in mine.

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