Chapter 27

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🍃Legolas point of view🍃
Suddenly there is a loud crash from one of the lower dungeons. We all turn and look in that direction. Everything is absolutely quiet. I turn to the keeper of the keys.
L: Who is looked in there?
K: I did not know there was someone in that dungeon my lord.
L: Find out who is in there and tell the person to stop trying to escape. It will not succeed.
I command one of the guards. We lock in the last orc when the guard comes running back with a pale face.
Elf: My lord, you must come immediately.
He says with a scared voice. I don't understand but follow him back down. We soon reach the dungeon. I step in front the door and look inside. On the floor lays a elfin. She lifts her head and looks straight into my eyes. I freeze, how...can't be...not possible...Amarië! She has tears in her eyes.
L: The key! Open up the door now!
I command. I feel anger and joy of finally have found her, but anger against the person who did this to her.
K: My lord, the key is gone...

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