Chapter 14

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Amariës point of view.

I look around the room, in the middle there's a throne and on it sits King Thranduil. He is tall, majestic and beautiful and reassembles Legolas a lot, but when he looks straight into my eyes it scares me. They are ice blue much like Legolas' eyes, but dark with anger instead of alive with happiness. They seem to cut through me like knives, causing me to look down and stop walking. Legolas grabs my elbow and pulls a little to make me walk again and soon as we stand before the throne. A guard pushes me down on my knees and Legolas bows to his father before taking a slight step back. Thranduil watches calculating me before addressing me with a powerful, monotone voice.

- Man lle? (Who are you)

- Amin Amarië. (I'm Amarië)

I answer in a shaky voice, talking to his boots instead of his face.

- Mankoi naa lle sinome? (why are you here)

He continues without seeming to notice my fear or maybe he doesn't care.

- My only attention was to travel through your kingdom.

I answer still with a slight shake of my voice even though I don't plan to do anything bad, but he somehow makes me feel guilty for nothing.

-  Was?

Comes his retort louder and dangerous.

- I heard the attack off the spiders and came to help.

I quickly stammer at the change in his tone.

- So why have you seduced my son?

- Amin n'rangwa... I would never do something like that. (I don't understand)

Legolas steps forward and puts a hand on my shoulder and looks up at his father, almost a bit angry.

- Father she has answered all your question truly.

But Tranduil does not even look at him.

- Take her to the dungeons until she is ready to speak the truth.

He commands and two elves are about to grab me, but Legolas goes in between.

- No, she has not seduced me and she is telling the truth. I will not let you punish her when she has done nothing wrong.

He says now clearly angry.

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