Chapter 33

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❤️️Amariës point of view❤️
L: Who is it you are talking about?
Legolas asks before I can answer the king.
A: The captain of the guard.
I say and look at him. He looks strange at me. I turn my gaze back to the king. His eyes have turned ice cold. Even angrier than the first time I saw him.
T: Legolas, I told you she doesn't tell the truth.
When he says that Legolas looks down.
T: You may stay here free, because you saved my sons life. But you won't get your weapons and a guard will be watching you until you leave my realm.
He says, turns and leaves with a harsh voice. I turn my eyes back to Legolas.
A: Why does the king not believe me?
I ask him. He does not look up or answer. What did I do...
A: Legolas!
I wisper and feel tears filling my eyes. Feeling alone again.
L: You should get some rest.
He answers. Then he stands up and let go of my hand. Without one look my way he leaves the room. I feel how tears start streaming down my cheeks. What did just happen? Legolas seemed so happy to see me, but suddenly he doesn't care. I carefully lay down. But I can't sleep. So I just think of what happened and try to figure out what I did wrong. An elf-maiden enters and asks if it's the pain in the shoulder that makes me cry. I answer yes and she goes to get me something to help me sleep. The drink makes me feel dizzy straight away and I fall asleep a few seconds later. Still with tears running down my face.

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