Chapter 45

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❤️️️️️Amariës point of view❤️
T: You disappoint me, captain. Is this your plan? You were about to kill her and what then? Kill us in the sleep? The people of this woodland realm would never obey a murderer.
He says calmly and looks around the room. His gaze stops at me on the floor. I'm still on my knees with the captains sword close to my throat.
T: Stand up.
The king commands. I look up at the captain and carefully stand up. He doesn't move or look my way, his eyes are fixed on the king.
L: Come.
Legolas says and I start walking to him and his father. I'm walking past the captain when he suddenly moves. An arrow flies past my head some centimetres from my ear, but misses the captain. He grabs me by my shoulder, the wounded one and hides behind me with his sword against my neck. My eyes get filled with tears because of the pain in my shoulder.
L: Let her go!
Legolas yells in fury.
C: Or what?
The captain says and pushes the sword harder against my neck. The sword cuts through my skin and makes a thin cut. I start to bleed. I feel the tears running down my cheeks.

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