Chapter 25

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🍃Legolas point of view🍃
The army stands ready for me to give a sign. I just killed the last scout without the other orcs noticing. I give the sign and quiet the army moves forward. When we are close Thranduil says;
T: Attack!
The unprepared group of orcs fast get on their feet and reach for the weapons. But they don't have any time to prepare a defence. We crash into each other. They are outnumbered and less skilled fighters, so it does not take long until they start to flee. Some of them stay and call to the other orcs to stay and fight to the last orc.
T: Catch them alive!
My father commands. I run after one of them away from the battle. Suddenly there are many of these foul creatures around me. I fast pull both of my daggers. They attack, but they are clumsy. When I kill one of them and look up to face the next orc I see a glimpse of an elf standing in the shadows. The elf is just watching and doesn't help me. I turn around. There are still some orcs to kill. Soon nearly everyone of them is dead. There are two left. Instead of killing them I knock them out and bind their hands and feet. Then I swing one of them over my shoulder and drag the other one behind me. I walk back to the orc camp. There are many dead orcs and some captured. It was easy to defeat them just as the captain said.

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