Chapter 4

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One week has almost past and it is time to leave Beorns friendly home. The white horse wich first caught my attention and I have grown closer and he is going to join me on my adventures. I have given him the name Nimdor*

- I'll hope you take good care of my horse, even if he has chosen to follow you.

- I promise will take care of him and look after him like he is my brother.

- If you ever come this way again, my home is open for you.

- Thank you for everything.

- Be aware of the spiders and be careful the elves of Greenwood are not like their kin. They are less wise and more dangerous.

- I will remember your words and listen to them. Goodbye my friend.

- Be carefull and goodbye until we meet again.

It has taken me and Nimdor two days to get to the realm of Greenwood and we have just found the gate to the elvenroad through the forest. The forest is old just like the fangorn forest, but it does not have the mystery that the fangorn posseses. Nimdor is restless and nervous of the darkness in Greenwood.

- Nimdor, you can still turn back. You do not Have to follow me, it is you own choice.

I tell him, but he looks at me with his intelligent eyes and I can see that he has made his decision. I turn around and enter the forest before reaching out my hand behind me and feeling his warm nose against the palm of my hand. He is staying with me.

* Nimdor means white brother in sindarin, but since I've used the Internet it might be wrong again.

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