Chapter 11

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Amariës point of view.

The last thing I see, before the fabric covers my eyes, is the face of the blonde elf and something in his eyes when he looks at me makes me feel safe. When he has blindfolded me I wait for a guard to grab me and pull me along, but instead one of them gently puts a hand on my arm and a hand on my back to steady me, before carefully starting to lead me through the forest. I hear how some of the guards try to get Nimdor to follow, but he is not happy with how things have turned out and refuses to do as they say.

- My lord, the horse is unwilling to follow.

The elf that holds me stops walking and I can feel him turn around.

- Can you tell your horse to follow?

The guard, or rather the leader it seems, next to me asks me.

- Nimdor, please do as they say.

I tell him softly, but I know he'll hear me. He finally does what they tell him to do and we soon start walking again. Whilst we walk i can't avoid thinking about the person next to me. Is it usual that the leader takes care of a prisoner? I usually don't get taken prisoner so I can't really answer my own question, but it still seems odd. But I shouldn't complain, he looks rather good, the thought making me blush. I feel how the blonde elf turns my way and he holds me a little closer, like he knows what I am thinking of, which makes me blush even more. Then I feel his hand leave my arm and reach my cheek, making me stop walking and turn his way.

- My lord?

- Keep going captain we will come after you soon. I just want to talk with her alone first.

- What if she try's to run, my lord?

- Her hands are tied, she has no weapons and she is blindfolded. How should she manage to escape?

- As you wish, my lord.

I can hear how they keep walking and soon the silent footsteps from them is fading and then they're gone. It is only me and him. He still has his hand on my cheek, but slowly moves it to my chin and lifts it a little. That's when I realise how close he is to me. I can feel the warmth radiating from him and his breath on my face until his lips softly press against mine.

Well that went a bit fast, but I hope you like it anyway. I know I wouldn't mind Legolas kissing me.

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