Chapter 38

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❤️Amariës point of view❤️
I walked really far and fast when I realised I've went in the wrong direction. When I left I was so mad and didn't pay attention to where I was going. So now I'm lost in a huge forest without food, water or weapons.
A: Great!
I say irritated and kick a branch that lays on the ground. It flies against a tree and breaks into two pieces with a loud noise. Perfect! Now I probably woken every wild, hungry animal around me. I let out a sigh and sit down. The smart thing to do is to try to find my way back and from there search for the horses and my babysitter. But I don't want to face Legolas again right now. That's when I hear hooves galopp towards me. I quietly move to the shadows under a tree. Then I see some white fur and recognise Nimdor. Soon I can see the guard as well. I step forward and wave. They see me and come.
G: Why did you run away?
He asks suspicious.
A: I got mad and walked in the wrong direction.
I answer and sit up on Nimdor. The guard does not look persuaded, but doesn't say anything. He will probably watch every move I make from now on. I sigh feeling irritated again. But it's not for long. I plan to leave as soon as my shoulder is completely healed. Leave this place, it's memory and people.

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