Chapter 8

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Legolas point of view.

More and more of these horrible creatures are gathering around me and I know I probably won't be able to kill them all on my own, but the other guards can't reach me. That's when suddenly an elleth lands on one of the spiders with her sword buried in its head. I've never seen her before, because I would have remembered that face and the feeling of warmth that is spreading through me when I see her.

- Watch out, behind you!

She yells breaking my trance and causing me to focus again. I quickly turn around and throw one of my daggers at the insekt approaching. The unfamiliar elleth stands next to me when I grab my dagger from the dead creature and we fight back to back protecting each other. Some spiders have klimbed up in the trees and are preparing to attack from above and I turn around to the girl and get an idea. I motion towards the advancing enemy and quickly hold my hands together so she can place her foot there. Then I scream;

- Jump!

Quickly sheathing her sword and then without any hesitation she runs towards me and places her right foot in my hands. She jumps and I push her up at the same time to give her a boost. She grabs one branch a little lower than the spiders and swings herself up. I don't have the time to see what she does after that, because the remaining spiders attack again, but I can hear how the stupid things one by one fall to the ground dead. Soon nearly every spider is dead and the guards are taking out the last ones.

- Watch out down there!

A yell is heard from above and I quickly jump out of the way and the biggest spider I've seen so far lands dead on the ground, with her on top and her sword in its head. The guards draw their bows and point them at the elleth and I hesitantly unsheat one of my daggers standing next to the captain of the guard.

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