Chapter 16

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Legolas point of view.

He slowly walks down from his throne and comes to a stop in front of my.

- Legolas.

He says in a friendly tone, but I refuse to answer or even look at him.

- Legolas look at me.

He says in a little harsher tone and I know if I don't do as I'm told he will take it out on Amarië even if it isn't her fault, so I meet his eyes.

- What happened in the forest? Is there something I do not know of?

At first I decide not to tell him and look away again, but then I realise that this might be my one chance to make my father change his mind without her having to stay down there for at least a week or probably more.

- She saved my life.

I tell him reluctantly and hear how my father draws in breath. I turn my gaze back to him and he looks chocked at these news. He must have been briefed differently by the captain.

- If she wouldn't have come the spiders would have had a good chance to kill me and when we were alone she didn't try to escape. Does that mean nothing?

I ask him trying to figure out what he's thinking. He looks away for a while before walking behind me and cutting through the ropes that bind my hands together.

- That changes a lot of things. I was told that she nearly killed you by crushing you under a spider. So if what you say is true, I will release her...

I immediately turn towards the door without wanting to listen to the rest of what he has to say, but before I can take more than one step father puts a hand on my shoulder.

- ...but you'll have to wait with letting her out until I've talked to the guards to see if you're telling the truth or not.

His tone shows that this isn't open for discussion and I sigh, starting to walk towards the door to find Amariës cell. But I've only gotten five steps when the captain enters with a serious and almost worried face. He bows, clears his throat and then a bit nervously says.

- My lord, she is gone.

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