Chapter 28

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🍃Legolas point of view🍃
L: Gone how could it be gone?
I say with anger and turn to the keeper of the keys.
K: I don't know my lord.
He says and takes a few steps back from me frightened of my rage.
K: We will have to break the door.
I turn and with two guards we run against the door. It blast open with a loud bang. Amarië was close to the door and when the door breaks she gets it over herself. I run inside and with the help from some guards we lift away the door. I kneel beside her and carefully help her to sit up and lean her head against my chest. I free her from the fabric around her head covering her mouth so she can talk again. She turns the head and looks into my eyes.
A: Legolas.
She wispers and lifts her hands to stroke my cheek. That's when I notice wounds around her wrists and ankles. They are made by the ropes binding the hands and feet. I grab one of my daggers and very carefully so I won't hurt her more cut through the ropes.
L: Who did this to you?
I ask in a low and concerned voice, but inside I feel the anger grow. Whoever did this will pay for it.
A: Legolas, you are alive!
She wispers, smiles and starts crying.
L: are going to be okay. I will take care of you.
I say and wip her tears with my fingertips.
L: Why shouldn't I be alive?

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