Chapter 20

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Legolas point of view.

I stop walking shortly and listen, in hope that the voice will call again giving me a better sense of direction, but everything is absolutely quiet.

- Hello!

I scream after a while of complete silence.

- Legolas!

That makes me freeze briefly, that the person recognised my voice means that this is someone I've probably met. I see an opening in the walls a little higher up in the wall and run to it. Beyond I see a small, dark tunnel that I didn't know existed, but when the voice calls my name again I decide to follow it. Soon I reach the end of the tunnel and stand in front of a old wooden door. I slowly push it open and see non other than Amarië on her knees with a knife against her throat. She has tears streaming down her face and before neither of us can say or do anything the life cuts through her skin.

I wake up with a gasp, grabbing the bedsheets of my bed so tightly that my knuckles turn white. Only a nightmare I try to tell myself as I turn around in the bed trying to calm my breathing. It felt so real and something tells me that this wasn't just a dream. With a sigh I stand up and walk over to a window opening it to let the cold night air meet my warm skin and soothe my beating heart.

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