Chapter 17

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Legolas point of view.

- She is gone, what is that supposed to mean?

I ask, almost screaming and at the same time grabbing the front of his shirt and shaking him slightly. Before he can answer however, my father places a hand on my shoulder shooting me a pointed look to let go of the captain. Slowly I untangle my fingers from his shirt and take a step back waiting for an answer. The captain looks at me worriedly and then decides to finally say something.

- We can't find her anywhere. She must have escaped somehow.

It takes me completely by surprise that she would do that, but I don't really know her so it might be something completely normal to expect from her. I slowly turn around and start to walk out of the throne room, when I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's my father again.

- We will find her. She can't be far away and if you tell the truth then there is nothing to worry about. Uuma dela. (Don't worry)

Thranduils point of view.

- We will find her. She can't be far away and if you tell the truth then there is nothing to worry about. Uuma dela. (Don't worry)

I tell him calmly sensing his worry and confusion about her disappearance. He nods and then turns away and leaves. I let him, he needs to be alone and process everything that's happened.

- My lord, if we find her and she doesn't want to come with us freely, should we bring her in by force?

The captain carefully asks.

- Yes, but don't harm her if you can avoid it. I want to know if my son is actually telling the truth or she has bewitched him.

The way Legolas reacted earlier and the way everything has turned out so far makes me think back to when I met my wife. I saw her and knew straight away that she was the one. After one dance we had already formed a strong bond that only death managed to break in the end. Eleven love is powerful and is completely random. The question is, is it only my son or is she developing the same feelings?

Legolas point of view.

After I walked away I went to my bedchamber and collapsed on my bed. Did she really escape and leave? Is she that kind of person that would leave just like that if something bad happened. Did she really have no faith in me?
That's when I remember the soft, soothing voice of my mother from when I was young and asked her about love;

"Find and love someone who will never get tired of kissing you every day. Who will hug you when you are jealous. Who will understandingly keep silent when you are mad. Who will squeeze your hand when you're not in the mood. Who will plan and imagine the future with you in it... And when you find that someone, just never let go!"

I don't know Amarië well enough to know if this is true, even though it feels like decades since we met. If she is the someone my mother was talking about then I'm going to fight for her. I only need to find her and get to know her more, even though my feelings seem to already have made up their mind about it. I know she trusted me, I saw it in her eyes. So I'll hold on tight and won't let go. But first I've got to find her.

I have a question, now that I'm finally editing. I've put some elvish phrases into the story and I'm wondering if I should continue with it or not?

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