Chapter 30

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❤️Amariës point of view❤️
I slowly wake up. Under my palms I can feel a soft sheet. My hand moves a little over the fabric. Then someone grabs my hand gently and squeezes it slightly. I open my eyes. I look up on a ceiling in a bright and beautiful room. My gaze wanders to my left. There sits Legolas and holds my hand. He smiles when he sees me looking at him.
L: How are you?
He asks softly.
A: Hungry.
I answer him and try to sit up. But when I move my right arm a sharp pain cutes through my shoulder. I lean back again gasping for air. Legolas leans over me and asks worried;
L: What is it?
A: My shoulder, it hurts.
L: When you throwed yourself at the door your shoulder rotated out of joint. The healers fixed it and it will soon heal.
He says comforting and strokes my cheek.
A: Can you help me to sit up.
I ask feeling helpless. He nods and puts one arm behind my back and helps me. After that he goes and gets some food from a table next to the door. I look around. There is a huge wardrobe, a balcony, many weapons, armour that probably belongs to Legolas and a small table. The table stands next to the bed with a painting on it. On the painting is a beautiful elfin drawn.
A: Who is that?
I ask him curious.
L: That's my mother. She died when I was young.

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