Chapter 40

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❤️️️️Amariës point of view❤️
In the room are some elves waiting for us. It was all planned. I manage to turn around and hit the captain in his face. The elves fast grab me and tie my hands, but I keep kicking so they push me down on the floor.
C: Stupid elfin!
The captain curses and weeps his nose which is bleeding from my punch. He comes towards me and kicks me hard in the stomach making me feel like vomiting. I gasp for air with tears in my eyes.
C: Will you stop struggling and talk or should I show you again what happens if you don't cooperate?
He then says and lifts his foot to kick again, but this time to kick my face.
A: I'll stop.
I wisper not able to speak clearly.
C: Good choice.
He answers and puts his foot down again. The elves let me go and I stand up. The captain asks;
C: What have you told Legolas and Thranduil about your capture and my plan?
If I tell him the truth he will most likely kill me.
A: Not much.
I answer trying to escape the question. He grabs my wounded shoulder and smashes it against the wall behind me. I scream in pain and feel tears roll down my cheeks. He doesn't let go, he just keeps pushing it hard against the wall.
A: Please!
I cry.
C: If you do as I say.
He says cold not showing any mercy.
A: Yes, yes! Please!
I stutter. Finally he lets go and I fall to my knees in pain, panting.
C: I ask again. What does Legolas and Thranduil know?

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