Chapter 13

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Legolas point of view.

She was so beautiful and adorable when I kissed her. When she blushed it took my breath away, that colour on her cheeks only made me wanna kiss her again and now she is walking beside me admiring the forest. Before leaving I untied her hands, which will make my father angry, I just hope he will get angry at me and not punish her.

Amariës point of view.

On the way Legolas walks quietly next to me, deep in thought. He looks a bit worried, maybe he thinks I will try to escape, but that is not what I have in mind. This good looking elf has awakened a feeling that is new to me and I would really like to know it. Soon we stand outside the gates and I'm really nervous, soon I'll be meeting his father and king of the woodland realm. As soon as we enter two elves grab me, not very gently and a third says kind of mechanical.

- My lord, the king is waiting for you and the prisoner in the throne room.

- Thank you captain. But I will be able to escort her myself.

There is a almost threatening tone in his voice and the captain gives a sign causing the two elves to let go of me. Legolas takes one of my arms, shoots one last look to the guards and forcefully, but carefully pulls me with him. He seems very worried now which makes me nervous and a little afraid. He must have caught on to it, because before we enter the throne room he turns to me with a gentle expression.

- Do you trust me?

I nod and he smiles shortly and then kisses my forehead.

- I will protect you.

He whispers before we enter the room.

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