Chapter 18

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Amariës point of view.

The darkness holding me down slowly lifts and I cautiously blink. It's dark, so it takes a while for me to be able and locate where I am. But when I can it looks like I'm in a dungeon with my hands and feet tied, laying on the floor. I try to move into a more comfortable position, but a pounding in my head stops me reminding me of what happened earlier.

Legolas told me to stay behind him and I did, even though I thought it would be better to let them take me and prove that I didn't mean any harm. Plus that wouldn't get him in trouble either. But he was determined to keep me out of prison and I trust him, even if we've only met. So when the guards started to attack I tried to stay out of the way and behind him, but more came and started to attack from behind as well. And that's when I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head from a hard hit. After that I can't remember anything except hitting the ground and then everything went black.

The turn of a key makes me look up as the door opens and in steps the captain.

- So you finally woke up.

He says with a friendly smile on his face, but something about him seems of, almost dangerous.

- How long was I out?

I question, trying to ignore my senses that tell me to get away from him.

- Just a couple of hours. So tell me, what was the purpose of ruining my plan?

- Amin hivaetha, Amin dele ten'lle? (I'm sorry, I don't understand)

I ask extremely confused about what he's talking about. That only causes him to laugh sinisterly and walk over to me squatting down to come closer to me on the floor.

- So young and innocent.

He tuts, moving his hand to my hair and grabbing it.

- If you wouldn't have showed up my plan would have worked perfectly.

His face morphs to one of anger and suddenly pulls my hair hard enough to make me scream. Which only causes him to smirk, before letting go.

- What plan?

I ask my voice breaking slightly.

- Well, wouldn't you like to know Neth pîn.

He answers, stroking my cheek with a finger gently before roughly grabbing my chin and lifting my head up close to his face. I can feel his breath on my face as his eyes rank over me. I can't stop the shiver that goes down my spine at his close proximity.

- But I can tell you, you won't see your Prince Charming again and probably not the king either. They won't be able to visit unfortunately. (Little girl)

He can't mean what I believe he's saying. Please don't be what I think it means. He must have seen the fear in my eyes as he stands he sneers down at me, only confirming my suspicion. He's going to get rid of Legolas and the easiest way would be to kill him. With a final glance my way he leaves and I'm all alone again with the dark as my only friend and tears rolling down my face.

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