Chapter 5

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Beorn told me to stay on the path, but how can I? This forest is the biggest one left in Middle-earth and there are animals and plants that I've never seen before. But I trust a friends judgment so I'll have to keep my curiosity in check.

Me and Nimdor have just crossed a river with water black as the night, when I hear something. The sound comes from the forest to the right of me and then I feel it. A animal is trying to hide from something dark and evil that is approaching quickly.

- Nimdor stay on the pat were nothing bad can reach you.

I whisper before I slowly and quitly wander of the path and into the forest. Following the sound I find a little opening between the trees, where a wounded deer lays on the ground. I slowly move towards the deer, but before I reach it a shiver goes down my spine and I get a feeling that we're being watched. So I quickly turn around and there I see it. A big, black, hairy spider with eight white eyes, as high as pony and over 6 feet wide. I fast draw my sword and face the spider ready to kill, when I hear many more spiders in the trees. With a steady gaze I meet the horrible eyes of the spider and say.

- Leave or I will have to kill you.

The spider in front of me makes a horrible sound almost like it's chuckling.

- You are going to kill us all, little elleth? How? You're small and weak and not to mention alone.

It says and the other spiders start to laugh at it's remark.

- Try me, it will be your death.

I challenge them. They stop laughing and look offended that I actually believe that I can take them all and start to make sounds that fill the air. I prepare for their attack and the spider that spoke slowly comes towards me.

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