Chapter 32

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❤️️Amariës point of view❤️
That's when I remember the captains plan.
A: Where is the captain? The king must be warned! His plan...
L: Amarië calm down!
Legolas interrupts me and grabs me gently to calm me down. Then he asks;
L: What plan?
A: To kill you and your father, so he can take over the kingdom.
I tell him. His expression turns to shock and then anger.
L: Wait here.
He says, stands up and leaves the room. I can hear how he sends a servant to tell the king to come. Then he returns and sits down next to me. He looks worried now. I reach out my hand and stroke his cheek. He takes my hand and kisses it. I feel the happiness I felt just some minutes ago disappear. Then the king enters. I look up at him, but look down again. His eyes are still not very friendly. Legolas tells him about what I said without letting go of my hand. That gives me some courage to face the king.
T: Why would anyone do that. I don't think she tells the truth.
He says with a cold voice, matching his eyes perfectly.
A: How did I get looked up in a dungeon without your knowledge? He told me that I stopped his plan on letting the spiders kill Legolas.
T: You got looked up and that will be investigated, but that verifies not that the rest you say is true.

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