Chapter 7

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We should soon be out of this forest, it's been almost a week and a half since we entered Greenwood and the food we got from Beorn is almost gone. It is getting dark when I see, to the left of the path, how little dots of light appear and soon I also can hear song and laughter that must come from elves. Nimdor is a bit hesitant if we should go to them, he remembers Beorns words, but we need more food and some place to rest for a few days doesn't sound to bad. So we leave the path and start walking towards the lights and the merriment of the elves. Suddenly the lights go out and I can hear how many people are fleeing away from there. I cautiously keep walking but Nimdor does not want to go any closer. We can hear how some elves draw their swords to fight, whilst some other elves are shooting arrows at an enemy I can not see. But then I feel it; Evil, just like when I met the spiders a few days ago. And there are many of them. One of them approaching us.

- Stay here.

I wisper to Nimdor before I start running towards the fight. The spider that was approaching is up in the trees, so I jump and swing myself up in the same tree. I land on a branch that is a little bit higher than the big Insekt. It looks up, but doesn't have the time to do anything before it gets my sword in its head. Then I jump and swing myself from tree to tree until I am were the lights were before, where many elves fight many more spiders. My eyes are drawn to one elf in particular and I can feel my heart rate going up and this warm feeling spreads through my body as I watch him. He is tall, muscular, with blonde, almost white hair and he is the most skilled fighter I've ever seen, but more spiders are advancing towards him. Even though he is skilled he won't be able to handle all those spiders and the other elves can not help him being preoccupied with the rest of the Insekts. He is on his own.

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