Chapter 43

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❤️️Amariës point of view❤️
There he stands. The one person that shouldn't be here. Legolas! He looks furious and he has his weapons ready to fight.
L: I trusted you!
He says in a voice filled with anger. No, he shouldn't be here. They are going to kill him.
A: Run!
I yell at him. The captain is about to hit me to make me shut up, but an arrow flies past just some millimetres from his hand. He pulls it back fast.
L: Do not touch her!
The elves seem frightened. Legolas is one person, but still the guards don't try to fight. They are afraid, because they know he will be the only one to survive. Legolas has another arrow ready to shoot.
L: Move away from Amarië.
He commands in a threatening tone. The elves do as they are told immediately. The captain on the other hand stays exactly were he is. He still has his sword in his hand and stands close to me. Just a little swing and I'd be dead.
L: You would die before the stroke fell.
Legolas says noticing the captains plan. In that moment someone appears behind him in the door. The person lifts a knife ready to stabb him.
A: Watch...
But I'm too late. The knife flies through the air.

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