Chapter 2

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The little bird is leading me through beautiful gardens, with hives and hives of great fierce bees. I see a little glimps of white to the left of were I am. Quietly I prepare to use my sword and quickly turn that way. There in the shadow of a tree stands a white horse and watches me carefully. I stand completely still and just watch the beautiful animal showing it I'm not going to hurt it. After a while it slowly, carefully moves towards me and soon it is close enough for me to touch it. I slowly reach out my hand and pat the horse on it's neck and nose. The horse is closing it's eyes and just listens. Suddenly more horses come and grey dogs and they all gatter around me. After them follows a man with a great black beard and huge arms. He opens his mouth and speaks with a deep voice:

- Who are you and what do you want?

- My name is Amarië, also called Leven Mellon; friend of animals. The same title that belongs to your name.

He lookes at me with dark eyes and then says something in a laguage I do not speak. The white horse that first caught my attention neighs and the man lookes back at me.

- You know of me even if I don't know of you, but my horse tells me that you are telling the truth. An elf who is a friend of my animals is welcome in my home. My name is Beorn.

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