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I believe that the writing that comes from the heart touches the heart. My motto would remain half unfulfilled without my readers, who let me touch their hearts. I would be absolutely no where if it hadn't been for all the views, votes and enthusiasm. I love you so much.

My mom dad and family, for supporting me and encouraging me to follow my desires limitlessly, where would I be without you?

My friends, for somehow dealing with my craziness and fantasies and always being there at the end of the day and break of dawn for anything and everything. I can't live without you.

The list will go on and on, but I must say that without the world of literature and dedicated and wildly passionate writers I'd just be bones and flesh. Nothing would excite me, scare me or complete me in a cosmos without books. Thank you for keeping the fire of my passion alive and never letting it die out.

To all the Arjun's and Alia's out there. Remember, always say goodbye and mean it. Life is too short for regrets.


Before I even thought about writing a book, my best friends Hibah and Harnoor, supported my words and encouraged me to write by just always being there to hear me out and value me. I love you from the very bottom of my heart. I put my dreams and fantasies on paper as scribbles and over the years, its come to this because as friends you had faith in me and never let me back down. Thank you.

My mum and dad for never asking me to quit romanticizing the entire day. I told you I wanted to be a writer and you said, "Anything you want Chhavi." Thank you for letting me pursue my heart, even if it just takes me to books and beaches. As parents I know you worry about what the hell I'm writing about at times, but hey! On the plus side, you're at least improving your vulgar slangs dictionary thanks to me. Jokes aside, I want you to know that I will not exploit your blind trust in me.

My family. You guys are a boon. No one's ever asked me, "Why writing? Why don't you want to be a doctor? You have such good grades." I'm blessed. I promise that I'm going to help people get better with my words, if not my hands. Thank you for listening to me rant about my characters and telling me, "You're awesome." NOOO, YOU ARE AWESOME!

All my classmates and friends from Cottons! Every single text message from ya'll during the lockdown last year has been a special potion of confidence. I'm deeply indebted to all of you for giving my baby a chance. Treats are due, consider this an early invitation for FH&M parties in the future. I love you all.

Special Mentions!!

Advika! Sweetheart, you're my kryptonite.

Aishani! Thank you for helping me when I was stumbling in life and with my baby.

Rayan! Thank you for making such a perfect and beautiful cover for my book!

Greeshma! My silent supporter, absolute favorite and perfectly foul-mouthed cutie.

My star readers - Greeshma, Riva, Diya, Krithika, Smridhi, Mahek, Shreya, Honnur, Aishani and Harnoor.

Every read, vote and comment, through the beginning middle and end has touched me.



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