Chapter 20 - Clasped Hands and Hesitant Steps

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I bite back my smile, which threatens to spread across my lips by sinking my teeth into my lip.

"Now," Shruthi finally begins, "we'll do the arrival and escort later. Let's begin learning the steps." Arjun's eyebrows do that weird tense and relax thing.

"Arjun hold out your left hand, Alia right." As we hold out our hands, she clasps mine over his and holds it out to our sides, elbows up and relaxed, arms strong.

"Hold it." This time his eyes flicker over to mine first.

"Alia, left hand on his shoulder." I do it instantly, feeling the end of his hard clavicle, from under his soft, thin shirt. Oooooooo. Nice.

"Arjun, right hand on her waist." He cautiously places it in my hip. My waist not hip!

"Not there," Shruthi corrects, "but here," by sliding his hand a few inches higher.

At this point my lungs malfunction. Breathe out Alia. Breathe.. I look away trying not to think about his hand. Strong, satisfying, superb. I like this.

"You both have moved away again! If you're not going to be serious, it won't work. Please behave." Shruthi snaps indignantly pinching the bridge of her nose.

And then abruptly, Arjun pulls me near him, so we're re incredibly close again. His tropical fragrance hitting me hard. As a shiver runs down my spine, I glare at him with huge furious eyes. He clenches his jaw and cocks his head to one side, not affected the slightest bit. My enraged face isn't working. Fucking hell. But damn he smells so good.

"Moving on. Alia, do the ballroom step, left going behind, left-together-left. Arjun, you have to simultaneously move with your right, right-together-right." She directs, showing us the step. "Do it." She says with a wave.

Miss Shona, has started the warm up for everyone else. It's music serves as a distraction to me, compelling my legs to tendu' and plie'. On the other hand, everyone else conveniently looks at us, not giving a shit about the warm up. I feel so exposed. It's unsettling.

Arjun and I look at each other as Shruthi starts the counts, "5 6, 5 6 7 8."

Concentrating hard on the movement of both are feet, we gaze down, moving slowing and hesitantly to the counts, 1-2-3, 1-2-3. It feels right. It's working, all the anticipation and it all just comes down to this, moving slowing together, it's pretty stupid. But I always do this. Overthink about shit endlessly, and then reality disappoints like a cockblocking bitch troll.

"Now reverse, Arjun, left and Alia, right. Come on! 5 6 7 8." She moves forward with the dance.

Looking down once again, I notice him moving with increased confidence we accomplish it, without any fits, seizures, concussions and mishaps. Yayyyyayyayayy.

On instinct, hopefully, we release each other, stepping away and looking at anything. His scent and feel lingering around me. I think it's Pine, Amber and aged rose. Perhaps  tinge of red sandalwood. What's happening to me.

"Was that alright?" Arjun asks Shruthi softly.

"The step was correct, but it looked hopeless. Rehearsing and seasoning will make it better no doubt. We'll do the turn and you can practice the whole sequence." She says quickly. We have a tight schedule today, it seems.

"Alia, do a regular four count turn. Arjun, now.. You need to spin her anti clockwise. Okay? She explains.

We both get into the hold, do the Rock and I turn, right-left-right together in a straight line. His body moves close behind me and he guides me around, twirling me. He brings the hand above my head down, and we stand rather awkwardly. Holding hands, with a expressions symbolising the look which translates to- 'I peed myself and my pants are drenched, do I move or stand in the puddle of my urine?'. Yes! That perplexed and embarrassed.

Suddenly the whole rooms erupts in "whoooohoooo", breaking the quiet spell, scaring me out of my damn skin hooting outrageously. Everyone claps. "Go Alia! Go Prince Charming! You got it Cinderella! Whoohoo Arjun!" I gasp loudly.

What the fuck.

I turn away and hide my face in the air. Bloody heck. A blush creeps everywhere on my skin and I see Shona, grinning from ear to ear. I shake my head at her with pleading eyes and she silences the class. "Okay quiet! They're still shy. Don't trouble. Start the balance' warm up." The girls reluctantly stop harassing our emotions and look away.

"Alright alright, now do that 8 times." Shruthi splutters, still failing to contain her laugh. I don't want to lead  The Cinderella anymore!

"Can we go inside and practise? Everyone is staring at us!" I mutter.

"Sure thing, but remember everyone will be watching you once the dance is ready."  Shruthi says pointedly.

"Yes, I understand." I nod.

"Go inside to the gym." She dismisses us, picking up her water bottle and taking a long sip.

I pick up my back and say a quick hi to Sana before heading inside the house. I don't look back to see if Arjun follows me, I can somehow feel his phantom behind me, ejecting tense vibes, filling the air with distinct uncomfort. I pass the monstrous sculpture of the hooligan inside, my jitters resurfacing and I pad noiselessly into the first room on the right.

Arjun follows close behind, walking inside the dark room. His presence flooding my senses.


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