Chapter 34 - Practice & Girl Calamity

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Lately I been, I been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby I been, I been prayin' hard
Said no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars
Yeah, we'll be counting stars

5 6 7 8,
Clap clap step, clap clap step, clap clap step, clap clap step.
Four count turn, full turn.

And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I, feel something so right
Doing the wrong thing.

Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

The dance has easy steps and it's fast, we keep changing places and making shapes across the floor. There is one main step called "Help & Swim" wherein we raise our hands upwards to the side them move them like we're doing the breaststroke. I love ittt. It's like a stress buster dance, fun and energising.

Over 30 of us are doing this dance, girls and boys. Even Arjun is in the dance. Not that it's a big deal. Okay okay fine! Maybe it means something to meee.

We finish more than half of the dance and Miss Shona assigns all the positions and formations. At 8:40 we decide to finally stop and by then everyone is a sweaty mess, tired and hungry. Really fucking hungry. The academy makes provision for juice and snacks thankfully. We pick one of each, say our goodbyes and go home.

Shona approves of the dress I choose and we decide to order a Small Size. The delivery will be in a couple days. Sana mentions that our batch learnt the first 40 seconds of the dance. She says that it already looks really good. I'm happy.

We both get into our cars and say, "See you tomorrow." It's something we always say, I mean always. Call it a sister thing, or ballet practice thing, or just something we do.

Sana and I are pretty chill. We've been together since we could crawl. She's a week younger than me. I was born on 1st March and she on the 8th. The Malhotra Family has 17 grandsons and only 5 granddaughters. The two of us have grown together, same play school, same school, same dance class, during unfortunate summers even the same swimming camp.

We don't have a heart to heart on a regular basis, but if something's wrong, we can sense it. Call it blood, family, our love or trust, but she will always be there for me when shit goes down. And I'll be there for her. We've had our fair share of cat fights, friend wars and 'not talking to you' period. But we always make it through.

That's the beauty of being sisters. With friends it's always messy and a certain amount of doubt always lurks at the back of the head. But with her, it's never there.

Sana isn't talkative or emotionally open. Unlike me she's not naked with her feelings, but she's simple and honest. She never lies and she's strong and smart in areas I'm not. She thinks straight with her head. Something I don't do often. It's really nice to have her around.

Apart from being dance partners at every wedding, and providing company to each other during boring family dinners, we always have each other's back. And that means something. It means a lot.

I reach home really really late. Another annoying dose from my parents awaits me, no doubt. It's the ballet rehearsal, not something I can control?! I've had a damn long day, and I just want to hit the bed. I force a banana and a cup of tea down my throat and take a hot shower. My legs hurt like a bitch. I don't bother cleaning my room and clearing my bags, but just get cozy under the comforter. Screw OCD Alia Malhotra.

I haven't prepared much for tomorrow's class. The dance with Arjun. Dear fridging god. I set an alarm for 7 and pass the fuck out.


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