Chapter 68 - THE SHOW (Miss Shona's POV)

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Miss Shona's POV

24 hours till the show

Nick and I are rehearsing the opening dance in Giselle when Mrs. Varma's name flashes on the screen of my phone and pauses the music we were practicing to. Oh god what is it now, I grumble, picking up the call after a couple moments. "Hello?"

"Shona, one of the parents has sent goons to our house because their 5-year-old daughter wasn't included in the photo shoot. We're calling the police; you should probably come here as soon as possible."

"I beg your pardon." I blurt out in horror.

"Just hurry up." She tells me and the line goes dead.

20 hours till the show

It isn't fucking easy. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. I keep repeating to myself.  I go through the mental list of things to do for the umpteenth time.

Costumes, shoes, props for Cinderella, props for Giselle, backdrops, final music edits, makeup artist, parents, invitations Am I forgetting something? What was that music and lighting guy's name? I rub my temples deeply, urging my mind to remember. Ah! Karan. I have a bad feeling about that guy for some reason. The auditorium staff is usually quite reliable, but he seems like bad news. I sigh uneasily and stuff more costumes into the open suitcase in front of me.

One never really sleeps before the show. For starters, there's a buttload of stress I'm going through as a dancer, teacher, choreographer, producer, music composer and what the hell not. Moreover, there are so many last-minute things to tend to and to top that off with desserts, I have to deal with personal security guards to defend me from the parents of a 5-year-old.


16 hours until the show

I sit down on my comfy winged arm chair after packing everything and arranging the bags near the door. Students of batch one left a few moments ago after we brainstormed through the last few acts of Giselle and discussed the non-ballet dances.

I cherish a few moments of absolute solitude to reflect. Just reflect in quiet.

A small smile creeps onto my lips when Fungus, Amber and Sophie look at me longingly for a cat treat while scratching my tights. No less than two hours have passed since the last time I fed my cats and the greedy little creatures already want more. I scoop Amber into my lap and stroke her soft fur cooing softly. All of a sudden, I gasp when Sophie licks my toes and the bleeding blisters shoot pain up my foot. Oh dear.

I set down my cat and get back to work after tossing a few treats at them.

I am the crazy cat lady after all.

5 hours till the show

I enter the auditorium at around 2 pm on the day of the show. Hopefully everyone is here. Its going to be okay I tell myself just to hang on to last few strands of patience and calm left in my being.

Most people find themselves out of sorts and in the pits of confusion right before the show. They experience short term amnesia and anxiety. Luckily, I find myself being most focused and driven on the eve of the show. I feel under everything. I can feel it.

I can relate the intensity of my attentiveness with the manner in which monks collect and conserve their energies and utilize it to heal and bless. As a dancer its the center of my gravity. I don't really know why I work best under pressure, how I can drown out all the disturbances and distractions, how the million items that need to be addressed somehow organize themselves in my mind and I can work and work and work relentlessly, tirelessly and devotedly on the matter at hand.

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