Chapter 63 - Not all scars mark the skin

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Arjun's POV

"Her name was Naila."

Alia throws me a lost and questioning look.

"The girl I was dating?" I remind her.

"The relationship that ended badly for you?" She confirms.

"Yeah that one." The only one.

"Okay what happened?"

"Where do I start?" I smile sadly.

"You can keep it as short as possible Arjun. Whatever feels right." She taps my hand in hers.

"Okay... so, we were in really deep. She used to light up my whole world. I was in love with her." I stop and ponder on my own words.

"Was she a nice person?" Alia asks tentatively.

I snigger. "The worst."

Her lack of response reminds me that I've left too many blanks unfilled. She doesn't press me anymore. Her gaze is straight, at the empty road ahead. I know she's giving me space and time and god help me if I cant stop myself from diving headfast in love with her. She's mine a genuine voice in my head declares. She's all mine. And I have to lay all my cards down.

"On the night of my 16th birthday, 15th April this year, we decided to take our relationship to another level."

Her face turns sharply, glittery brown eyes filling with appall. She knows what I'm talking about. Fuck.

Swallowing, I push the last few painful sentences past my closing throat. "She took my best friends name after we- uh" I heave. Oh god, shit. Bile rises in my throat. I think I'm going to vomit. I grab my neck reflexively. "She cheated on me."

Alia sqeezes my fingers really hard. I can't bear to look at her. Damn it! What have I done?

"You're not a virgin." Alia blurts out, looking ashen.

"Uh... no." I gulp. Blood rushes out of my head and my heart drops to my stomach. Shit, this does not look good

"Oh my god. Wow. That's something." She recoils, her hands flinching away.

Please please please dont hate me, I beg mentally, suddenly feeling so cold.

She holds a finger up. "I need a minute, to-"

"Of course."

Alia takes a deep long breath in, and out of the corner of my eyes, I watch a lone tear trickle out of her eye and roll down her cheek.

Instinctively, I wipe it away with my thumb, before it falls to her lap.

Her head snaps my way, red thunderstruck eyes flashing at me.

"Sorry." I shrug, rubbing my thumb on my jeans.

"No!" Her face crumbles tenfold as she cries out.

Horrified by her reaction, my eyebrows shoot up. And then suddenly, in a blink, she springs up from the bench and climbs into my lap taking me by surprise. Absolutely dumbfounded, I absorb the initial blow by holding her. What the hell. I genuinely cant seem to fathom what's going on.

Her tiny arms crush me into a hug and she sobs loudly into my neck, wetting my bare skin with her scorching tears. The mind-hazing jasmine scent of her body fills my senses, shooting life and passion into my dead and barren cells. "Stop crying."

She grunts out a response and completely disregards my plea. Stubborn woman. I pull her closer, folding her legs around my waist so we're stuck together. Her warmth and softness, our closeness instantly comforts me. "Please don't cry sweetheart." I stroke her hair and breathe into it, closing my eyes.

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